MicCypher © ® ™ is a phenomenal music based alternative show with a newness & a freshness that is guaranteed to shake-up and challenge the dynamics of rap music. Produced by All or Nothing Film & Television Production Company out of Atlanta, GA this show is designed to "Bridge the Gap" between Hip-Hop Legends & new artists, while also shining a bright light on music producers and DJs. This is a music based content driven alternative franchised series.
Created and Produced by West Philadelphia native @MsLMGreene,she states that this show is more than a labor of love. Raised during the #Hip-Hop Era and seeing a huge gap between the Legends/ Founders and the new school, Leslie sees an opportunity to "Bridge the Gap" thus creating a dynamic NEW ERA of Hip-Hop.
1 Mic Cypher television show encompasses several dynamic twists and turns that are guaranteed to keep the audience enthralled and always coming back for more. Bridging the GAP between, the Hip-Hop Legends & new artists, this show is a GUARANTEED WINNER! This show already has top legendary Hip Hop Icons along with todays elite music industry artist and music professionals, giving this show a thumbs up and supporting the movement.
Zilah Music Publishing comes on board in a music supervisory and administrative position bringing professionalism to the production overseeing the licensing, publishing & promotions of the compositions that's created by the platform. Look out for much more to come while 1 MicCypher brings you the cultrue and real essence of Hip Hop that's clean , fresh, informative and exciting. www.zilahmusicpublishing.com
If you want to license any of 1 MicCypher music for Film, T. V., Commercial, PSA, Booking, go to http://www. zilahmusicpublishing.com

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