Music is the “universal language.” LOVE is the “universal
healer,” and Water is the “universal solvent.” Put them all together and you
have the best kept secret in history--a truth so freeing to human consciousness
that it will hasten the Spiritual Renaissance.
528HZ is the supreme musical gift of enlightened
intelligence and divine sustenance from your creative Source. 528HZ is a simple number that is central to
the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” This LOVE vibration
harmonically resonates in your heart inaudibly connecting each of our spiritual
essence to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth.
Master musicians and vocalists experience it, a Oneness with the Source of Creation and creative inspiration when they perform optimally. But They haven't yet figured out how to get "the world to sing in perfect harmony." Everything is a Vibration. It is scientifically proven that the Sun's frequencies help the earth's grass, trees, plants vibrate around the same frequency of 528hz which causes the oxygen we breathe. Music has many frequencies which many musicians or vocalist study music knows those frequency as the music scale. 528hz is he center frequency that is in harmony with all other notes and without being coincidental is the same frequency that is one of the reasons why we breathe. Music has that vibration. Music is Life.
Solfeggio Frequencies make up the ancient 6 tone scale thought to have been used in scared music, including the beautiful and well know Gregorian Chants. The Chants and their special tones were believed to impart spiritual blessings when sung in harmony. Each Solfeggio tone is comprised of a frequency required to balance your energy and keep your body, mind and spirit in perfect harmony with each other. The original Solfeggio scale was developed by a Benedictine monk, Guido d'Arezzo (c.991 AD - c. 1050 AD) It was used by singers to learn chants and songs more easily. Today we know the Solfeggio scale as seven ascending notes assigned to the syllables Do-RE-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Ti. The original scale was six ascending notes assigned to Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La
Zilah Music Publishing wanted to give you a little musical scientific enlightenment about the one thing we all have in common and that's music. We here at Zilah Music Publishing take music and the power of it very seriously. Our mission is to use the power of music and join the world together on one accord through music. Our opinion, this is the era of the independent music creator. This is the time that everyone's creativity counts and matters. Big corporate entities can no longer dictate the message so let your message be heard, it matters and no matter how small you think your contribution is, it's really bigger than you think. Your concepts are real , let them exist , it can change the world. We invite all that are music creators & lovers to join the company to fulfill it's mission to give music life because it is life.
For more understanding and information about what you are reading pls go to Len Horowitz is a brilliant man who is well equipped to break down what this means and how it plays a part in your life. Below is a 16min press conference allowing Len Horowitz to explain 528Hz . Enjoy

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Keto SLIM Max; Researchers analyzed health care claims for more than 4 million people, with information coming from self-insured employers, two state all payer claims databases and records from health insurance plans that chose to participate. Not a bad choice, for without health, you cannot gain wealth, because you're too sick to do what's necessary for its achievement Besides, a lack of health means the time you spend here is not considered "Grade A". Humanity has established that a happy, prosperous life and poor health are not in harmony and cannot coexist. Although fats are an essential part of a healthy diet, certain fats are healthier than others. The large majority of AIDS researchers, journalists, lay people, and health care workers themselves do not understand the limitations of these tests because they do not have access to the relevant data.Some of them highlight its lack of operational value and the problem created by use of the word "complete." Others declare the definition, which has not been modified since 1948, "simply a bad one." 4. More recently, Smith suggested that it is "a ludicrous definition that would leave most of us unhealthy most of the time." 5. Cancers that are confined within the wall of the colon are often curable with surgery while cancer that has spread widely around the body is usually not curable and management then focuses on extending the person's life via chemotherapy and improving quality of life. Elevated cholesterol levels are a major risk factor for heart disease Eating mung beans is a simple, convenient way to keep your heart healthy. Chart comparing 2008 health care spending left vs. life expectancy right in OECD countries.
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Ultra Test XR A study just published in The Journal of the American Medical Association by researchers from the University of California, Davis called " Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Autism " i discovered a profound and serious biological underpinning of autism - an acquired loss of the ability to produce energy in the cells, damage to mitochondria the energy factories in your cells, and an increase in oxidative stress the same chemical reaction that causes cars to rust, apples to turn brown, fat to become rancid, and skin to wrinkle. The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission has urged the federal government to restructure the hospice benefit to remove such incentives by reducing payments for longer stays, warning that such changes are imperative.” The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has the authority to reform the system but has not adopted the proposed changes. Scientists at UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center found that prostate cancer progression was significantly slowed when patients went on a low-fat diet with fish oil supplements. The star's mother passed away last year after a 14-year battle with heart failure , a diagnosis that motivated Latifah and other relatives to maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle , she previously told Health. Steer clear of foods and chemicals that put added stress on your body. Employers who don't provide health insurance will be spared penalties of up to $3,000 per worker until 2015, a one-year delay of a major component of President Barack Obama's health care reform law, the Treasury Department announced Tuesday.
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